Term 2 is a busy one for us P1&2.
Our current topic is Brrr it’s Freezing and it is definitely one of our favourite topics. We built an igloo in our room, used Google Earth and interactive globes to locate the polar regions and have carried out experiments to enhance our learning further.
Our writing focus this term is report writing. Who knew P1&2 could write factual reports! We have written reports based on Inuit people, polar bears, penguins, artic foxes, snowy owls, beluga whales and still plenty to learn and write about.
We continue to develop our mental maths skills. Mrs Leeke thinks we are getting quicker every day especially when using our counting stick. We have secured lots of our number skills using Numicon and ten frames and love using NumberFun to develop our understanding further.
In ICT we are focusing on coding this term. We have explored coding using Just2Easy, Beebots and various apps. We are adding to our knowledge each week and look forward to another ICT session with our Buddies soon.
It’s been a busy term but still so much to learn!
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Armoy Primary School, 2 Gracehill Road, Armoy, Ballymoney, Co. Antrim BT53 8TD Phone: 028 2075 1354