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Armoy Primary School, Armoy, Ballymoney, Co. Antrim


Welcome to the P6/7 class page!

Our teacher this year is Miss Newman. We have one additional adult in our classroom, William McMullan (SEN assistant).  

We are a happy and industrious class, always willing to work hard and learn new things. Every day is action packed with a range of activities but in the morning, we start with number facts recall, Accelerated Reader, Newsround readers and our PATHS pupil of the day. We have PE on Tuesdays and Thursdays.  

In Numeracy, we have been consolidating our knowledge of place value and the four operations. Throughout the year we will be using practical resources to support our knowledge of different topics.  Every Friday is dedicated to problem-solving activities and the children love getting together to work out the problems. Additionally, we have worked so hard on learning our number facts and times tables through games and quizzes.  

Our literacy sessions are broken into 6 main areas: spelling, writing, comprehension, grammar, novel-based and reading. Our class novel this term is 'Street Child' by Berlie Doherty. Each week we read this novel together and create a class discussion, which may lead to another exciting activity. We have been learning about instruction texts this year and have had loads of fun constructing/writing our own.

Our guided reading and shared reading sessions allow children to explore the reading skills required at P6/7. These are known as the reading VIPERS: vocabulary, inference, prediction, explanation, retrieval and summarising. In guided reading, we have a carousel that rotates each day. Different activities include, AR time, outdoor spelling, reading task or literacy strips.  

Each member of our class has an allocated job, which they carry out in school or in the classroom. We have elected student council and eco-council members too. The children in P7 are provided with the opportunity to become digital leaders and P1 Buddy helpers.

We are all looking forward to what this year may bring. 

Keep your eyes peeled for more exciting content throughout the year! 



5th Feb 2025
This week our P6/7 class welcomed two representatives from NSPCC to discuss how we...
5th Feb 2025
This week from 3rd to 7th February we have been celebrating children's mental health...
31st Jan 2025
16th Jan 2025
On Wednesday 15th January our P6/7 pupils went to Straidbilly PS to take part in...

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