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Armoy Primary School, Armoy, Ballymoney, Co. Antrim

Administering medication

The Board of Governors and staff of Armoy Primary School wish to ensure that pupils with medical needs receive appropriate care and support at school.  In most schools there are pupils who may need to take medication during school hours for long or short term medical needs, or in emergency situations. 

The most common ailments suffered by pupils are asthma, epilepsy and diabetes. Anaphylaxis and extreme allergic reactions to certain foods, such as nuts, fish and dairy products, is on the increase.  Staff are therefore being increasingly called to administer medication to pupils. Although staffs’ conditions of employment do not include giving medication or supervising a pupil taking it, staff may volunteer to do this.

Who is responsible for administering medication?

The responsibility for a pupil’s health rests with the parent/guardian, however, to enable pupils requiring medication to participate as fully as possible in school activities the school may agree to assist a child with medical needs.

  • It is solely the parent/guardian's responsibility to make sure if medication is required that it is sent into school in a name labeled, suitably sturdy container.
  • It is solely the parent/guardian's responsibility to make sure that all medication kept in school is in date.
  • Medication must be accompanied by an Education Authority AM2 form filled in and signed by the parent/guardian.

Please read our Administering Medications policy, a copy of which is available from the school office. 

Medication forms