Uniform Requirements
P1 & P2 Uniform requirements
Knitted jumper/cardigan with school crest (sweatshirts are being phased out & replaced by knitwear)
Plain white polo shirt
Grey trousers/skirt/pinafore
plain black shoes (No laces unless your child can tie their own laces)
plain grey socks (boys), grey tights or white/grey socks (girls)
Outdoor learning suit
Wellington boots
Summer Uniform (optional)
Boys: Short sleeve white shirt and Grey school shorts
Girls: Blue gingham summer dress
PE Uniform
plain white t-shirt
plain navy shorts/jogging bottoms
trainers (velcro fastening - no laces unless your child can tie their own laces)
PE hoody is optional
P3 - P7 Uniform requirements
Knitted jumper/cardigan with school crest
White shirt/blouse (no grey & must have a collar suitable for a tie)
School tie
Grey trousers/skirt/pinafore
Plain grey socks (boys), grey tights or white/grey socks (girls)
plain black shoes - if you are purchasing shoes with laces please make sure your child can tie their own laces unaided.
outdoor learning suit
wellington boots
bookbag (P3 only)
Summer Uniform (Optional)
Boys: Short sleeve white shirt and Grey school shorts
Girls: Blue gingham summer dress
PE uniform
Plain white t-shirt
plain navy shorts/jogging bottoms
trainers - if you are purchasing trainers with laces please make sure your child can tie their own laces unaided.
PE hoody is optional
Uniform saving schemes/Grants
If you wish to apply for a uniform/free meals grant please follow this link:
Heart & Home run a 'School Club' where you can go in at any time, pick your uniform and have it set aside for you. You can then pay it off at your own pace and collect your items once the final payment is made. This will help greatly to spread the cost! If your child has grown by the time you are ready to collect the uniform Heart and Home will swap out any items for the correct size.
Uniform Information

Our uniform is available to buy in Heart & Home, Ballymoney.
In line with guidance and in order to keep costs as low as possible the only branded item of school wear we have is the jumper/cardigan. Everything else required in the uniform is plain and unbranded.
Please note that white shirts only should be worn in P3-P7 for boys & girls (no grey) while P1-P2 can wear plain white polo shirts (this previously had been P1 only). All children P1-P7 will now wear either jumpers or cardigans. Pupils can wear either a cardigan or a jumper, whichever is their preference or whichever your family will get the most use out of.
Full school uniform should be worn every day (apart from PE days), including ties being properly placed over the top button of the shirt.
PE Uniform
PE uniform will also be available in Heart & Home and will be unbranded to keep costs as low as possible, however you may buy PE uniform anywhere as long as it is plain with no patterns (see guidance). If your child cannot tie their own laces please buy trainers with velcro fastening.
We do not want children wearing brightly coloured bottoms to school and NO team tops whether football/rugby etc.
The PE hoody is an optional part of the PE uniform and parents do not have to purchase one.
We are proud of how smart our pupils look in their school uniform and would like to remind them that we encourage pupils to look well presented at all times.
P7 pupils only are permitted to wear their leavers tops in class as this is a special privilege reserved for those who are in their final year with us!
Please see the photo for a good example of expected uniform standards for P3-P7 pupils.
Armoy Primary School, 2 Gracehill Road, Armoy, Ballymoney, Co. Antrim BT53 8TD Phone: 028 2075 1354